Why DIY Wills Are Often Insufficient

A partly written Will

A do-it-yourself (DIY) or even an online Will may seem like a really good deal on the surface – for a little bit of money you purchase a Will template or you can go online and have it prepared without an attorney. But, a Will can be a complicated matter – estate attorneys go to school for years and then received specialized training in order to create a flexible and accurate Will specifically for you.

Think of it this way – do you want your final writing to your family to be an accurate reflection of your goals? Do you want fewer problems for your family? The death of a parent is a difficult time, and this tremendous loss can deepen rifts and cause problems among siblings. Money often rears its ugly head as an issue.

When you create a Will you need advice and counsel from a qualified estate planning attorney to make sure that it will lay the foundation that you intend. We can assist you by drafting a detailed fand concise estate plan, it will help minimize sibling squabbles and prevent expensive Will contests after you have passed away.

Reach out if you would like to grab a free consult call, here.


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